I am 42 and for the last 5 months my urine has been cloudy and very foul smelling. No other symptoms.? - urine & menopause & smell & bad
Is this due to peri menopause?
I am 42 and for the last 5 months my urine has been cloudy and very foul smelling. No other symptoms.? - urine & menopause & smell & bad
Is this due to peri menopause?
Probably an infection (urinary tract infection urinary tract infection) or an infection of the kidneys, the bladder. You should see a doctor because if left untreated, can damage your kidneys.
Women may have different signs and symptoms of menopause.
• Irregularities in time, is one of the first changes at random intervals, the woman message. Periods May at menopause, more or less prolonged bleeding may be more or less to ensure that there is a problem to ask, you tell your doctor if:
· Your times are very close
· Major bleeding
· Summer stained
Your · menstruation for more than a week
• Hot flashes: A hot flash is a sudden feeling of warmth in the upper part or the whole of the body. Her face and neck rot. May-red spots appear on the chest, back and arms. Sweating and shivering can follow. Lightning can wake up very easily, or strong enough to be out of sleep) (called night sweats. Monc hot flashes last between 30 seconds and 10 minutes.
• Problems with the vagina and the bladder: Changing estrogen levels can cause your genitals drier and thinner. This can make sex uncomfortable. Or infections that may have more vaginal-intestinal tract or urinary tract. Some women have difficulty achieving long enough to hold the urine to the toilet. Sometimes, the leakage of urine during exercise, sneezing, coughing, laughing or running.
• Sleep: Around the middle ages, some women start having trouble sleeping well at night. Maybe you can not sleep well or wake up very early.
• Sex: It is possible that change their feelings about sexuality. You may be less interested. Or do you feel freer and sexier after menopause.
• Mood swings: Although the reasons for the THare not yet clear, but it can be more moody or irritable during menopause.
Other Topics
• osteoporosis: estrogen contributes to bone loss control and loss of estrogen during menopause causes women to lose, more bone is replaced. Over time, the bones weak and can break easily. This condition is called osteoporosis. Tell your doctor if you are to undergo a bone density test to see whether you are at risk. Your doctor may also suggest ways to prevent or treat osteoporosis.
• Heart Disease: After menopause, women are more likely to have heart disease. Changes in estrogen levels may be part of the cause. As we get older, it is possible that the higher weight and other problems develop, such as blood pressure. This could be the risk of heart --Disease. Talk to your doctor about what to do to protect your heart.
He drank a lot and plenty of water or eat anything that has a surplus of Odor (Brussels sprouts, garlic, meat, etc.)
But a visit to the doctor would be a good idea, now!
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